Real Boxing: KO Fight Club Full Hack Mod Codes Purchase GOLD MICRO PACK 2.3.3 Version Free

GOLD MICRO PACK 2.3.3 Version Free Real Boxing: KO Fight Club








Review=I’ll start by saying this is a pretty good and entertaining game. A couple of complaints - 1. It’s incredibly stupid to have a feature in the game where if you time the opponent’s punch and dodge at the right time, time slows down and then have the good AI opponents be able to dodge the counter punch EVERY. SINGLE. TIME if you don’t have the power up on. That defeats the purpose of that feature in my opinion. I shouldn’t be going back and forth with the AI 5 times while they dodge every single counter I throw / average Rating=4,4 / 5 / Vivid Games S.A / Punch, Knockout & Be A Hero / Device=apple ipod / game info=TOUCH ARCADE - "It’s called Real Boxing for a very good reason, and it lives up to its name impeccably well." 4.5/5 / language=Japanese.




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